Monday, February 5, 2007

Dr. Glover or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Appreciate a Man Who Takes One for the Team

My dear friends, I have seen the light. I truly let something sinister happen this weekend. I was such an uncaring asshole that I let a woman touch a friend of mine! I have to admit that my judgement was clouded due to my drinking that evening, but none the less, I was an asshole for letting that evil woman touch him in places that you can only imagine about.

My children, for when the bell reckons, does it not toll for you? That is what I initially though, but was I ever mistaken. It started out a normal weekend, drinking excessively into the wee hours of the night, but did it ever taken a nasty turn. Once we left the first establishment for imbibing drinks of an alcoholic nature, we faced the frozen tundra to visit an establishment where they dance for enjoyment. While I could go on about who in their right minds dance for good times, I won't simply due to the fact that I do not want to infect the readers of this fine piece of riding with thoughts other than myself being unfit to be a friend of others. Once we got to this dance club, a man I shall call Tony Mustafa to protect the inocent, was being dance by a young vixen. This vixen was trying to be a home wrecker to this fine, upstanding, young man. In comes Paul Revere, a psuedoname also used to protect the innocent man who took one for the team. Mr. Revere allowed this vixen to "grind" up on him, allow her ass to rub against his weapon if you will. This is the part of the story where I become an asshole for letting this happen. Just think about this, I, Mr. Glover have become an asshole for letting this happen. I honestly do not know what got into me. To let a fine upstanding man like Mr. Bernar.... Paul Revere get touch by a woman goes against all I know.

In conclusion, I must say that by allowing this devilous deed to occur that I have become a ruddy jackass, and by becoming a ruddy jackass I have joined the likes of that damn ruddy jackass Bono. What have I become? The only way I can think to atone for such a deed is to cut myself and to buy Mr. Revere a beer since honestly, who lets a friend get touched by a woman? From here on out, not this man thats for damn sure.

If anyone sees Mr. Paul Revere out and about, please buy him a beer for him taking one for the team.